Saturday, 11 August 2012

Five Fun Exercise Classes

Getting fit is a great way to kick off those pounds and also feel that bit better about you. It's also quite easy to do with a little bit of discipline and go. One of the best ways to ensure that you do attend those workouts and do get into a regime is exercise classes.

Exercise classes provide people with the structure and the push that ensures they attend and also have the go to lose that weight and get that bit fitter. Of course, we're all aware of the sweaty, often crazy boot camps that are out there to push people to their max and really get those pounds off and this is a great way to lose weight. One thing with boot camps is the dropout rate and the fact it's tough, creates results, but can often mean a lot of your own drive is required - something akin to the gym.

However, there are a number of less heavy exercise classes that allow you to lose those pounds in a more fun and more engaging manner. These classes combine other novelties and include some fun and exciting aspects and better again are often available on offer a day sites.


This Brazilian born exercise activity involves bass heavy music and some fun dancing moves and can really help to shift those pounds, while also getting those lungs and hear pumping.

It's a country wide phenomenon and the results speak for themselves. It's also a great way to increase your coordination and get an all over work out that allows you to lose weight and also to feel that bit better about yourself. Unlike the gym there's also an element of sunshine to the workout, which sees you coming back for more.


Mixing the elements of boxing and exercise, this great exercise is ideal for men and women and once more gives and all over workout for the heart, body and the mind.

Boxercise classes are around the same length of time as most others, though unlike boxing or any sort of martial arts don't involve any physical element. This means they really allow people of all persuasions and fitness levels to have fun. They are also available across the UK and elsewhere and are commonly found on d3als and other London deals sites.

Ballet Conditioning

Some of the fittest people in any sport or any form of exercise are dancers and ballet dancers especially. The requirement for all over fitness from cardio to muscle and everything in between means that ballet is the perfect way to stay fit and also slim.

Ballet conditioning tones the whole body and also allows you to look elegant and sophisticated. It's becoming increasingly popular among people in their teens and 20s and the classes are often available for over 70% less on daily deals sites such as d3als.

Anti-Gravity Yoga

The name itself sounds fantastic and intriguing. Well, the whole thing is quite that. Anti-gravity yoga straps you into a harness and allows you to do your yogic stretches from this harness without having to touch the ground. The frame completely supports you and allows you the chance to perform stretches and moves you never would have thought you could do.

It's the perfect form of exercise for those who are adventurous enough to try it and really is quite exciting. Most offer a day sites are beginning to provide this from of class as a daily deal and it is set to become really popular due to its novelty and also its fitness benefits.

Whatever, sort of exercise you have to do, you really have to end up enjoying it - otherwise you won't do it for long enough to benefit from it. From Pilates, to anti-gravity yoga - to Boxercise, there's something for everyone who wants to keep fit.


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