Saturday, 11 August 2012

Advantages and Disadvantages of Broadband

Fixed broadband has been around a while now and for many people, who can get it, provides an edge in many ways over that of mobile broadband. Of course, there are some negatives too and you have to make the decision on which to choose when deciding on which broadband to pick. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of mobile broadband.



When compared to mobile broadband and all its data limits and the like, fixed broadband is more often than not a lot cheaper. The arrival of local loop bundling means it is often even possible to get free broadband when it is purchased with other services.

Data Caps

There are often very high usage allowances or data caps with mobile broadband, meaning you can use the internet to its fullest and can download and stream to almost your heart's content. Mobile broadband is often limited by data caps which are costly if exceeded. Fixed broadband is often unlimited in this area.


It is possible to get fixed broadband speeds of up to 50MB whereas mobile broadband is at it's peak at 14mb. This makes fixed broadband often the fastest option.


The connection is fixed to a line and so is often more reliable than the alternative mobile broadband. This makes fixed broadband often the best, but do compare which broadband you use in your local area.



Unlike mobile broadband which can be taken anywhere you like, fixed broadband is just that...fixed. You can often only connect inside your four walls with it, which isn't an issue for mobile broadband.

Line Rental

If you don't have a home phone and are only using broadband you still have to pay for line rental, which can be costly if you don't use a phone.

Switching issues

If you want to switch broadband it can take time due to certain technological issues. Companies often take time to change over and also charge you for engineer's time when doing so. This can be a real frustration and often means that you have to spend days and even weeks without broadband, which can be a real frustration for those who require it on an everyday basis.


Though mobile broadband is more expensive in general, it has seen a significant reduction in cost in recent years. The price of 3G has come down and the speed of the broadband has sped up. It is also expected 4G will provide the same speeds as fixed line broadband in the future and is cheaper to roll out. This could mean that fixed broadband is soon to be left behind that of its mobile broadband equivalent.

Before you choose broadband, compare broadband services in your area and then decide on which broadband is best after taking account of costs, you area, limits and speeds on offer.


The Article is written by Cormac Reynolds at www. which lists and compares mobile phone deals and mobile broadband deals in Ireland. Compare O2 Mobile Phones, Vodafone Mobile Deals, Mobile Phones and Deals. Visit for more information. Copyright information. This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included.

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