Saturday, 13 October 2012

Tips on How to Prevent Hay Fever

Hay fever can really be a disaster and though not in any way serious is can still really impact on the quality of life you enjoy. For a lot of people hay fever is like having flu constantly and can really be an irritation if you have something important to do.

As luck would have it hay fever really plays up from the early spring until the middle of the autumn, as well as now and again in between. This means that many doing exams, at work or going on holiday are affected by this irritation.

The UK and Ireland has the highest percentage of sufferers of the illness in Europe and one in every five people is affected by this issue. One thing however many people don't do is try and limit the chances of catching this illness before it really sets in and takes a significant effect on how they feel. There are a number of precautionary and early actions that can limit hay fevers grasp and make you feel ill.


They say that the best form of cure is to take the precautions early and with hay fever this is definitely the case. Keeping an eye on the weather report and the pollen levels can significantly impact on preventing the symptoms of hay fever. If you see the pollen count rise into the warning levels then you should start taking your remedy beforehand.

To ensure that you can do this you should have the items on hand that will prevent you suffering. There are all deals out there before the season begins and by preparing you can save a significant amount of money on stocking up and also ensure you don't feel ill. Preventative medicines usually take the shape of nasal sprays, antihistamines and also eye drops. By ensuring you grab one or all three of these items you are preparing for the worst case scenario.


One of the other great natural ways to lower the chances of you becoming sick and feeling the real terror of hay fever is to take a spoonful of honey from the immediate area you live each day. The fact the honey is made from bees and the bees carry the pollen is said to encourage you to create immunity to the pollen in the surrounding area. This will be another piece of armour in your fight against hay fever. So the next times you see a pot of locally produced honey grabone.

Windows and Doors

By ensuring that all your windows and your entry points are closed from the early morning to the afternoon's end, you limit the chances of pollen intake and so help yourself in the fight against it. This is the time when the highest level of pollen will impact on the home and is when the allergy comes about. Make sure that you close all car windows and turn off air conditioning during this time too as it also draws pollen into the home.

Sun Glasses

Use sites such as and others to purchase a pair of wide sunglasses. These glasses will protect your eyes to a degree from developing red eyes and ensure that you don't look all stuffed up and unattractive. Hypoallergenic make up should also be sued by women who don't want to look puffy thanks to hay fever.

Other Steps

There are a number of other steps that can be taken to limit the pollen's impact on you. Make sure to wash hands after being outside and don't dry washing on a clothes line during high times to limit the problem. You should also try and take off clothing worn outside, shower before bed time and try and prevent pollen from getting on your bed clothing. All of these actions will prevent pollen from taking hold in your home and you developing a bad bout of hay fever.


The Article is written by Cormac Reynolds at providing and aggregation of daily deals, Hotel Deals, Holiday Deals, Spa Deals including daily deals codes. Visit for more information on Products & Services. Copyright information. This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit for all your deals in one place and in one email.

The new IPhone 5 in 10 Points

The new iPhone 5 is here and ready for order. The device comes with a number of improvements and is a mixture of evolution with a little bit of revolution. So, here are ten things you need to know before changing your mobile phone deals and queuing outside the Apple Store.


Apple calls it the most beautiful device they have ever made, but is it? Well, the phone is lighter by 20% and is also slimmer by nearly 1mm and is now only 7.6mm thick. It is significantly lighter than the previous phones from Apple, though is also longer. Made from aluminium and glass, it certainly looks attractive.


The display is now a 4inch one, which is half and inch larger, though is only bigger lengthways. It however, still maintains the retina display and is a 326ppi screen. Add to this the introduction of five rows of apps when you make a phone comparison to the 4S which had 4 and a 1136x640p display and it's an improvement.


 The device has the same camera as before and also comes with low light snapping, a better lens and an image processor which will reduce noise and adds additions such as panoramic shots and the ability to face time is gone up to 720p.


The new A6 chip replaces that of the A5 found in the 4S and iPad 2. Apple claims it is twice as fast as the A5 chip and offers better graphics. It also is said to prolong battery life, even though it is more powerful. So, expect better games and apps to launch faster than the previous device.


The device is strong on the connectivity stakes and when you compare mobile phones with most others the addition of LTE is a big deal. This allows for far faster downloading, streaming and browsing, though will not be available in the UK until near Christmas, with no time set yet for Ireland. The new iPhone 5 also comes with better Wi-Fi technology and also a NANO SIM.


We've already mentioned how the phone is more powerful and how the new processor uses less power, well you should see around 8 hours talk time and 10 hours browsing with the device, which is slightly more than that of the previous iPhone 4s when you compare phones.


Call quality is set to improve with the new device as it now as three microphones. These will improve the Siri functionality too. Add to this improvement in the ear piece and other leaps and it should be the best iPhone 5 to call off ever.


The new IOS is for a September 19th release and it really could make all the difference here. However, we'll have to wait for the tweaked and changed operating system to arrive. It is claimed it was built around the new phone, so we'll see if this makes it a wow feature. We do know of improvement to Siri, a new Apple maps which is aided by TomTom and the addition of FaceTime over 3G.


The new connector replaces the 30 pin device found on all Apple products for a while now. It is around 80% smaller and also faster and more suitable to reduce the size of the phone according to Apple. Apple has also included an adaptor so all 30 pin products will work without issue.


Expect the price to be the same as it would be for the Apple iPhone 4S and the price of the old product to fall by around a quarter. It looks like it won't be cheap but compare mobile phone deals and see what fits in best with your needs.


The Article is written by Cormac Reynolds at which lists and compares mobile phone deals and mobile broadband deals in Ireland.  Compare O2 Mobile Phones, Vodafone Mobile Deals, Mobile Phones and Deals.  Visit for more information. Copyright information. This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included.

Cutting the Price of the Weekly Shop

One of the biggest and most crippling additions that take away from the weekly wage is the grocery shop. The price of materials and basic foodstuffs has risen significantly in the last half decade or so for a number of factors. This has meant the price of the end product has also reached a high and costs a lot for families and couples.

Fortunately, there are a number of things that you can do that can reduce the costs of food, that will allow you to live for less and save significantly and feed yourself and your family for less. So, let's have a look.

Meal Planning

One of the biggest wastes of money is food wastage and many families waste hundreds if not thousands of pounds each year on uneaten foods. One of the best ways to avoid throwing out food is to plan meals.

Meal planning allows you to plan your list and ensures you use all the ingredients that you actually purchase. This means that there is little or no food wastage and also means you save money.

Online Shopping

One of the best ways to save is to do your shops online. This is one of the lowest costing ways to do shopping and the sites are formulated in a manner that allows you to clearly see the deals and reduced products. This is the case country wide and prices are the same in cheaper parts of the country as well as more expensive areas, allowing for Birmingham deals, London deals and Edinburgh deals at the same price.

This especially works for people who are not inclined to purchase certain brand but are more inclined to just ensure that the item is a quality product. This mind set ensures that you take full advantage of the deals at hand and don't have to worry about purchasing certain specific items. In areas such as toiletries and cosmetics this approach can mean you save hundreds of pounds each year. Many daily deal sites also offer you the chance to pay for delivery for a year up front at up to 70% off. This means you can take advantage of unlimited deliveries and allows you to save massively on these costs.


One of the most expensive things to purchase is meat. Due to rising grain prices and other factors many animals now cost a lot more the rear. This has impacted on the price of meat, which has risen to a level that there are now security stickers on it. By spending less on meat and eating more vegetarian food, as well as beans, lentils and even fish; you lower the cost of your shop. Even substituting meat can save you money. Think of having toad in the hole with sausages, rather than a joint of meat. It's not a big difference but savings wise it makes all the difference.

Vegetables and Fruit

One of the big costs and a necessity in all diets is vegetables; however these too can be saved upon with a little knowhow. Frozen vegetables cost a significant amount less than their fresh counterparts and have more vitamins as they are frozen straight after picking. These vegetables will also last longer, are far cheaper to purchase and also more versatile. Families can save hundreds of pounds a year on vegetables alone by just making this change in their diet.


Many of us purchase wants in place of needs, but never realise. By forgoing the luxury items in our diets we manage to reduce the costs significantly and also live healthier lives. Items such as wines and beers, as well as sweets and chocolates are often costly and can rally increase the shopping bill. Why not use sites such as d3als to purchase wine from speciality retailers - often at a far lower price than the supermarket and with a wider range of choice.


Finally, one of the big wastes of money is on packaging and brand names. Items such as cereal and rice don't differ significantly enough in quality to warrant costing double or triple the price. Switch some of your items down a level of brand and save a significant amount.


The Article is written by Cormac Reynolds at providing and aggregation of daily deals, Hotel Deals, Holiday Deals, Spa Deals including deal of the day CODES. Visit for more information on Products & Services. Copyright information. This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit for all your deals in one place and in one email.

Brilliant Movie Remakes

Movie remakes have a long history of being a little lacklustre and like sequels more times than not they are just a way to cash in on a franchise and make money. However, not everything follows the same guidelines and there have been some remakes that have been absolutely astounding; blitzing the original and really giving the film a new sense of perspective - these are some of the best and more than worth a cinema ticket with Livingsocial deals.

The Fly

The original 1950s classic was very good, but it took David Cronenberg the genius of horror to really lift this film to new heights 30 years later. The Fly used some of the most modern technology of the time to create amazing special effects. However, we're all aware lots of money does not make a great remake and Cronenberg can really be applauded for introducing a love story to proceedings as well as creating some very strong characters and great scenes that will be remembered. The film did brilliantly in the box office and rightly so, it also became an opera in 2008.

Casino Royale

The original Casino Royale really was a spoof of sorts and included all sorts of silliness, even though it was based on Ian Flemming's spy thriller. However, the late 2000s remake was a much more serious affair and really rebranded the whole James Bond franchise and gave it the less than cheesy edge it needed. This was refreshing and turned Casino Royale into one of the best Bond movies ever.

The Thing

Like The Fly, The Thing was a 1950s remake, though by John Carpenter of the Halloween series this times - a fine example of how not to remake a movie. The Thing uses great effects and also a great story line and changes the original to a degree. It really was a brilliantly, intense piece of film making that did the original more than justice and worthwhile watching with a LoveFilm package from Dublin deals.

Akira Kurosawa

One of the greatest directors of all time for inspiring films that have been remade and directors all across the world have given credit to Kurosawa. His film the Samurai Seven inspired The Magnificent Seven and this inspired numerous films afterwards. Testament was also paid to him for Star Wars, which George Lucas said was based on The Hidden Fortress. A Fistful of Dollars with Clint Eastwood and created by Sergio Leone is also one that remade and was originally Yojimbo the Bodyguard. The film was so much Kurosawa's that he sued Leone for copyright infringement and received 15% of the box office takings.


Swap alcohol for cocaine and an Italian for a Cuban and you get the remake of Scarface and Brian DePalma's take from Oliver Stone's script. The differences are more apparent; however the film owes a lot to the original.

King Kong

There have been a number of remakes of King Kong, though none have lived up to the original. However, King Kong, which was released in the mid-2000s is one of the best if not the best remake and does the original justice. It really is an improvement on the 1976 version and the use of state of the art CGI gave the gorilla expressions and really worked well with the crowd.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

The final remake in the list and one that also deserves mention; this film based on the 1950s original is another which surpassed the first. The film has received a number of remakes and some have been terrible. However, the 1978 version of the film with Philip Kaufman is a great version and even includes the original lead Kevin McCarthy in a cameo role in the first scene, which really adds to the flavour for lovers of the original.

Though remakes may not always live up to or even nearly up to expectation, these films show that it is possible to do better than the first time round and that not all remakes are automatically terrible and worthwhile seeing with a city deal at least.


The Article is written by Cormac Reynolds at providing and aggregation of daily deals, Hotel Deals, Holiday Deals, Spa Deals including deal of the day CODES. Visit for more information on Products & Services. Copyright information. This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit for all your deals in one place and in one email.

IPhone 4S Review

There probably isn't a more highly acclaimed phone from its users than the iPhone. The 4S is of course, the most recent incarnation of Apple's hallowed device and uses the last generations shape, but some new innards and a lot of new technology to get the job done. So, how does it stand currently, especially in a world of quad core phones and will it stand up when you look at which mobile plan to choose?


Apple's new flagship device is nothing we haven't seen before. In fact, aside from the additional S on the font on the back and the slightest cosmetic changes to the aerial, it is pretty much exactly the same aesthetically - and frankly, that's no bad thing at all, especially when you compare phones and see some of the less attractive ones.

The glass on aluminium body of the device is as attractive of phone as there is anywhere, or almost ever was. It's glassy look and minimalist style, as well as familiar rounded home button and balanced in the hand feel are to be expected but still admirable. It's also a slight little device and weighs only 140g and is a mere 9.3mm thick. Samsung's Galaxy S3 and HTC's One X do undercut it in these terms but they are newer and also have more flat area to place components having 4.8 and 4.7 inch screens respectively, as opposed to the Apple's 3.5inch display.


Apple's device had really been threshed through the rumour mill before it turned out it was the 4S and not an iPhone 5. Hear 'say suggested the Apple would have a 4inch screen to contend with the 4.3inch devices of the day - yet , Apple kept the same form factor to ensure the device still comes with 3.5inches of screen and you know what it still looks great.

The 4S is using a retina display, now entering middle age in tech terms and we would say that the 326PPI screen still looks amazing. It's clear, bright and until now it really has been unparalleled for reading text from. Video is fluid and it's among the best displays in the great outdoors.

One notable improvement has been the addition of an 8mp camera, which is a 3mp increase on the previous device. Add to this a new and improved sensor and lens and you have a far better quality of image for your snaps. There are some slight issues with ghosting, but it is a notable improvement on a formerly lacklustre area.

Video has also gotten better and Apple's added full 1080p HD - ideal for those TV video sessions as well as anti-shake, which we noticed really aided those coffee jitters related video moments. There's also the option to install iMovie, if you wish to pay a price.


We've mentioned quad core processors in the HTC and new Samsung, but we'd also mention that in most cases such power is currently to future proof the devices - meaning really it's a little bit of overkill in power terms. The iPhone 4S comes with an A5 dual core processor, which though not as powerful works brilliantly with IOS to create a smooth, beautifully balanced experience, when using the phone. Other changes come in the GPU, which is claimed to be seven times faster than the iPhone 4s and of course the perfect addition to those who want to do a bit of handheld gaming.

To be honest, there were no problems with lag and though we'd love to say we see a significant difference between the beefier quad cores and the A5 chip - we don't really. However, the latest IOS operating system does come with and includes a number of great software changes.

Apple's IOS 5 is the latest incarnation of the famed operating systems and comes with such new additions as iCloud backup, full Twitter integration and a number of security fixes. It's also PC and Mac free in its setup and has significantly improved notifications- akin to the Android pull down and drop menu. It's just a big leap from the previous version and gets rid of all the little irks and annoyances and it's clear Apple's done its homework. When compared to Android, it may be a little less free, but what it loses in customisation it makes up for in attractiveness and aesthetics.

Calling is the same as it always was, though the dual antenna prevents any of the antennagate issues of iPhone 4. The addition of iMessaging to IOS5 is also a welcome plus and one that allows IOS users to speak among themselves - very cosy.

Browsing has also improved and the new dual core makes for ease of use and increased tasking as well as a lack of slowdown. Of course, the beautiful retina screen, dual core chip and the iPhone 4S's nice aesthetics come together to make a very pleasant web experience. 

Of course, the most notable leap and one obvious to anyone who's seen an Apple advert in the last 6 months was Siri. Frankly Siri is good and still a lot better than any alternative - Samsung's S Voice included. There is a certain requirement to speak the Queen's English to get the most from it, but that said it's accurate and fun to use - even if generally unutilised by most iPhone users. Essentially, it's a well thought out, very cool gimmick. 

One thing that isn't a needless, albeit fun gimmick is the battery life and there is a slight improvement on the notoriously poor iPhone 4 in this area. You'll still have to charge each night, but sensible usage should get you through a day's worth. The iCloud is also a nice addition and a necessity in this day and age of smart phones and it backs up all those important files and bits and bobs of information to a 5GB iCloud account automatically and wirelessly - very useful. The biggest issue is to decide what's necessary to upload and what's filler as 5B isn't a lot of room.


In conclusion the iPhone 4S is like the wheel's leap from rubber to pneumatic tyres. It's a smoother, nicer, easier to use transitions that will be appreciated by those who upgrade and accepted as the best way to travel by those that have never travelled before.

It's a lovely phone and even in the face of the new quad cores and made better with price reductions on phone deals. There really offers an element of substance over plain largess. Essentially, it's the Ancient Greece to HTC and Samsung's big, brash exciting 1950s America.


The Article is written by Cormac Reynolds at which lists and compares mobile phone deals and mobile broadband deals in Ireland.  Compare O2 Mobile Phones, Vodafone Mobile Deals, Mobile Phones and Deals.  Visit for more information. Copyright information. This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included.

How to have a minimalist home and its benefits.

Minimalism is cool and the décor we see on an everyday basis is a reaction to the style of the time. One of the reasons that this less than there style technique is so strong is perhaps the fact we are so over stimulated on an everyday basis and are looking for low stress homes. Here are some tips to gain a minimalist area without too much stress or for that matter much cost.


One of the most important parts of minimalism is colour and this can really be the main decorative element that you will require. The less colours in a room the more relaxed it will feel. So, for instance one primary colour with an accent shade is okay, but any more than that will cause the room to be less peaceful. Nothing about minimalism should be overt or too noticeable and it should all work in harmony.


Of course, these elements are also a necessity for the furniture you will use and it is essential to ensure that you don't have anything too busy. Offer a day sites currently offer a range of classic and minimalist furniture that could really be used for your minimalist home. Avoid furniture with frills and too much noise. Simple, clean furniture is ideal and works best if made from natural materials.  Also remember that the less furniture the better too. Only have the bare essentials in each room and try and cut out the needless items.


The amount of surface space also matters, as does how neatly it is kept You should only have a few items on a large space as otherwise it will tend to look cluttered and will remove the whole feel. Offer a day deals and other London deals often offer you the chance to purchase furniture that will make for more internal space and so means that you won't have to place too many items on show. If you want to leave external items on show, ensure they look the part and really impress, without being too much. This is essential and will help make your room look unique but still minimalist.


Minimalism is all about essentials and if you have items in your room that are not of any real use then you will have to get rid of them. Doing this will allow you to create a more Zen like home and so enjoy the chilled out, uncluttered lifestyle that benefits you and your house. Always choose quality over quantity and then you will always ensure this is the case. Beautiful items from d3als and other sites have more of an impact when they are not surrounded by needless clutter. You will always be more easily able to appreciate beautiful flowers or an amazing mirror frame if they are easily seen.

The benefits of such a home are significant and many people find that they are less stressful. This can be attributed to the lack of visual clutter in the house and the fact that you're not distracted by a number of items. The less clutter and fewer items in the home, the more calming the home is.

The appeal of these homes is also a lot higher than that of a cluttered home as you only have to focus on the attractive. Always ensure that the items that are left in a minimalist home are attractive as these will be the only ones to catch your eye.

Cleaning is also a lot easier in such a home as there is a lot less furniture, a lot less dirt and you can clean it all a lot quicker. The more you have to clean the harder and the more complicated the whole procedure is, even with an offer a day cleaner. Remember how easy it is to clean a room with 5 objects as opposed to one with 50 - a lot easier! These are the reasons why minimalism works and also its benefits.


The Article is written by Cormac Reynolds at providing and aggregation of daily deals, Hotel Deals, Holiday Deals, Spa Deals including daily deals CODES. Visit for more information on Products & Services. Copyright information. This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit for all your deals in one place and in one email.

Great Date ideas

Great dates are there to make the right impression for a person you care about and fortunately there are plenty of things that can be done to create that correct impression no matter where you are. So, we've decided to come up with some of the best and most exciting dates for those looking to woo that special someone.

Fly over London

Why not take a ride over London, there's probably little more impressive than a trip over the capital and fortunately there are plenty of reasonably inexpensive ways to do it thanks to offer a day deals. These sites allow you to make the most of the capital and you can do so by either helicopter or even more exciting, by hot air balloon.

Think of the excitement in their face when they realise you are going to treat them to an exciting trip over the capital with champagne, looking down at where they work, eat, live or whatever else. There's simply nothing that can impress them more.

Sushi Making

Some people just love sushi and there's little more enjoyable than the thought of a sushi making class. So, why not get onto your Manchester deals site and keep an eye out. Sushi is one of the gourmet foods of our times and a great sushi restaurant can be something to be cherished.

If you both learn to make this wonderful food then you always have complete control over the quality of the ingredients, the sushi on offer and it's also a great way to bond when spending some time together. Sushi making is not nearly as tricky as it seems either and the two of you will be doing it in your house pretty soon.

Champagne Dinner

The old ones are the best, or so they say, so why not treat her to a champagne three course meal. Everyone wants to be wined and dined and few can resist the idea of a good meal. A champagne dinner is a way to pull out almost all the stops and really impress them.

Why not find out their favourite sort of food and then take them to a restaurant that then serves the very best. Whether, it is Indian, European, Thai or Chinese - there's always going to be a restaurant that serves it and better again is that simple fact that champagne goes with everything - offer a day deals included.

Arcade Date

Of course, you can just go all retro and bring her for a date to a video arcade, followed by the cinema or some bowling. It worked well in all the teen movies in the 80s and you often had the awkward meeting with the teacher there too - giving to go ahead for it as an adult dating spot.

Some girls just enjoy such activities and dancing games and pong are their favourites. However, one thing is to be sure of the type of girl before you grab this sort of Birmingham deals as there will be as many who won't enjoy it as do. The cinema is always a solid option though and though they won't appreciate your creativity, if you pick a good film, they won't mind.


Just as we all love to eat, we also all love to laugh and a comedy night can be a great place to go on such a date. Enjoying this option with an offer a day deal often throws in a few drinks. Why not go for dinner beforehand and then add in a comedy event. Always check the acts beforehand as you may be pleasantly, or for that matter, unpleasantly surprised by the comedian de jour.

Comedy nights are certainly a great way to bond and one of those things that almost everyone enjoys once the comedian is reasonably good. Follow it up with a few drinks and you can be assured you'll laugh together again.


The Article is written by Cormac Reynolds at providing and aggregation of daily deals, Hotel Deals, Holiday Deals, Spa Deals including daily deals CODES. Visit for more information on Products & Services. Copyright information. This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit for all your deals in one place and in one email.

5 Regular Super foods for Weight Loss

We all know we could lose a few pounds here and there and most of us have probably tried now and again to shed the pounds - often to no avail. However, there are a number of foods that help with weight loss and have nothing to do with fad diets. These foods can be purchased in store and can really help in the battle to lose a few pounds here or there.

There are a number of foods that can really sustain you and level out blood sugar levels. These foods prevent the cravings and ensure you can push out the pounds. Make some of these foods part of your daily diet, add some deal of the day gym membership and watch the pounds drop off.


Grapefruit is extremely low in calories and studies have shown that it helps reduce weight. The fruit showed up as a positive for those looking to drop weight and in 2004 a study showed that people who eat half a grapefruit before a meal eat substantially less than those that didn't. The research showed that these folks also managed to receive the benefits from juice and also tablets, making grapefruit a certified fat fighter. Add to the fact that it also is full of antioxidants and other chemicals that boost the immune system and fight cancers and it's a winner.


 We all hear about how good omega 3 is for us and sardines are full of this fat that helps concentration and the heart. Add to this the fact sardines are almost completely protein, which stabilises blood sugar and also that they boost both the metabolism and cardiovascular system and they really are a super food. They also are cheap and convenient and can be kept for months at a time in the cupboard and unlike other fish have few if any heavy metals, making them a low cost addition to your shopping basket you can afford without a daily deal.


This is another great food and one that is often overlooked by people for more faddy and expensive foods. Pumpkin is cheap, full of fibre and also hosts an array of vitamins beneath its skin. Fibre is seen as one of the biggest factors in weight loss and weight management and helps people stay full for longer. Pumpkin is also very versatile and can be used for mains or desserts with a little sugar. The food also works well with a wide range of ingredients and these often don't have unhealthy properties either and include foods like cinnamon and almonds.


If you purchase beef make sure it is grass fed as this can benefit you significantly and ensures it is free of antibiotics and hormones. Grass fed beef is full of omega 3 and is beneficial to feeling full. There is also a lot of protein in it and it really is a great, tasty food - steak anyone?


Tea is good for you, but green tea is even better and can really help with weight loss and feeling great. It's a great slimming aid and is full of all the things that are good for you such as antioxidants, helps the heart and is also a great drink to help with digestion of food. It speeds up the metabolism and is supposedly even a fat burner. It's often available on Manchester deals and other deal of the day sites too meaning you can get it at a very low cost. Adding to that it is not significantly more expensive than normal tea in the supermarket either.

All of these foods are easily available and are perfect for helping you lose weight. They also allow for a permanent healthy diet and ensure you will look and feel great for a long time to come.


The Article is written by Cormac Reynolds at providing and aggregation of daily deals, Hotel Deals, Holiday Deals, Spa Deals including deal of the day CODES. Visit for more information on Products & Services. Copyright information. This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit for all your deals in one place and in one email.

Features of Smart TVs Explained

So, you'd like to buy a new TV, but are quite put off by the range of sparkly new technology, not knowing exactly what it all means. You may be sceptical about the benefits a smart TV can bring you or the addition this new technology may have on your TV watching. Well, here are some of the more popular specifications explained.

What is Smart TV?

You may have a smart phone and smart TV is the addition of such technology to your TV. This means that your TV is now connected to the Internet in a similar way to that of your smart phone. This means not only can you browse the Internet from your TV, but you also have the benefit of apps, such as social media apps, TV apps or video apps such as YouTube. It also allows you to watch content on demand such as BBC IPlayer, 4OD and others. This means you have a wide range of TV stations and thousands of hours of TV from the past and recent present at the touch of a button and at a lower price than you would expect with deal of the day pages.


Many TVs also allow you access to a whole range of other apps that are outside of the realm of normal TVs. Imagine if you could do your exercise routine from your TV, well with smart TV apps from Cork deals you can.

There is also a wide range of games, recipe apps and all sorts of other applications on your TV and if you want more, you just download them and add them to your TV. This makes your TV all the more versatile and really makes it the central entertainment feature in your home at a low price thanks to a deal page like

PVR/ USB/ Streaming

Many new TVs come with USB slots and these allow you to play files from your computer, whether they are video, music or even document files. This means you can download files on your computer and enjoy them on the large TV screen.

PVR and USB also allow you to connect up a hard disk drive and then to record the TV shows you want for watching whenever you want on the TV. Add to this the fact many TVs also come with the option to stream from other devices in your home via a wireless network and you really have almost unlimited content.

Software such as Samsung's All Share allows you to play media from a computer or phone onto your big screen wirelessly. Great for those embarrassing videos or for people who want to watch their videos from their hard drive collection.


This is the refresh rate of the television and is the amount of times that the picture will refresh itself in a second. Essentially, the more times you refresh a page in a period the smoother it will look like it runs.

There is the option for processor software refresh rates and these can return hundreds of refreshes a second. However, it is often found they look a little processed and many people prefer the natural refresh rates.

3D Technology

Though it has lost its lustre a little 3D technology can make your TV all the more enjoyable. Gamers especially find that playing games in 3D can really enhance the experience for one reason or another. There are two types of 3D technology - active and passive. Both of these use 3D glasses to create the effect though one - passive - is quite similar to the old light style of glasses you get in the cinema and the other - active - uses active glasses. Neither is better to be honest and it often depends on a number of other factors when deciding such as deal of the day pages and the price you pay.

A new TV is something that can really make the difference to your home and really is something that adds to the enjoyment of your movies, TV games and also with smart TVs, Internet experiences.


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